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What's new in Loco Translate?

A full changelog is available in the plugin's README and in our Github mirror.

Current stable release


The current stable version is installable from the WordPress plugin directory either automatically or manually. See the release notes for specific changes in this version.

The bleeding edge development version can be installed manually. It will always be one version ahead of the stable version.


Loco Translate 2.6 removed support for older versions of WordPress and consequently older versions of PHP. The minimum PHP requirements are now that of WordPress 5.2, which is PHP 5.6.20.

Significantly this version has removed the Yandex translation API integration.


Loco Translate 2.5 added support for JSON language packs.


Loco Translate 2.4 integrated third party translation APIs.


There were several new features introduced in the last major release. Please try them out and let us know what you think.

Protection of installed files

Many people have used Loco Translate to modify installed translations, not realising that WordPress updates would overwrite their changes. Version 2.1 introduces a new setting which controls whether or not you can modify installed files.

  • Allow
    The most lenient setting will save all files without warning. This is suitable if you're a theme or plugin developer.
  • Allow (with warning)
    This is the default setting. It displays a notice on any screen where you're permitted to modify an installed file.
  • Disallow
    The strictest setting prevents editing of any installed translation files. This is recommended for non-technical users.


Screenshot shows a new plugin setting for controlling sensitive file modification.

File revisions: diff & restore

Loco Translate has a simple backup function that saves a copy of PO files before you overwrite them via the editor. This has been in place for a long time, but restoring a backup has been a manual process until now. The new "Restore" tab lets you reinstate a previous file revision, or delete it if necessary.

You can also see what changes were made since the previous backup. This function uses WordPress's own diff renderer. This is the same as it uses for post revisions and as such is quite a basic text comparison.


Screenshot shows recent changes to a PO file with the option to revert to the backup.

Grouping files by language

This new section drills down to installed translations for a single language. This is an alternative way to navigate to your translations without being distracted by other languages or having to click between multiple themes and plugins.


Screenshot shows the root of the new Languages section. Clicking a language drills down to the installed files.

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